Details of Derby Plume Plotter

This page should be read in conjunction with How Plume Plotter Works. It provides more details specific to the Derby version of Plume Plotter.

Stacks and buildings

Building measurements are taken from [1].

This image shows the layout of the stack and buildings modelled. (North is at the top; numbers indicate the height of stacks and buildings; lighter shades of pink are used for higher buildings.)

Stack measurements

All of these are taken from [2] except the stack location which is not stated, so it was estimated from an aerial photograph:

The following values are used for albedo, Bowen ratio and roughness length. Roughness length 0.5m was specified in [1] but we use a different source of weather data:


The emission rates of pollutants are taken from [2], except the emission rate of oxides of nitrogen, which is the (lower) annual average imposed by [4]. The emission rates are:

PollutantEmission rate
per second
Oxides of nitrogen3.379 g
Particulates321.8 mg
TOC321.8 mg
Carbon monoxide1.609 g
Sulphur dioxide1.609 g
Hydrogen chloride321.8 mg
Hydrogen flouride32.18 mg
Mercury1.609 mg
Cadmium and thallium1.609 mg
Other metals16.09 mg
Dioxins and furans3.218 ng
Ammonia160.9 mg
Nitrous Oxide965.4 mg
Benzo(a)pyrene32.18 μg
PCBs160.9 μg
PAHs321.8 μg

Background levels

The background levels of pollutants are taken from [3]. These are:

concentration per m3
Oxides of nitrogen26.4 μg
Particulates23.2 μg
Carbon monoxide170 μg
Sulphur dioxide6.15 μg
Hydrogen chloride550 ng
Hydrogen flouride2.46 μg
Mercury80 pg
Cadmium and thallium330 pg
Other metals72.11 ng
Dioxins and furans52 fg
Ammonia6.3 μg
Nitrous OxideN/A
Benzo(a)pyrene206 pg
PCBs385 pg
PAHs31.5 ng

Weather data

Weather data is taken from METAR reports from a local airport: East Midlands.

Upper air data is from the Nottingham upper air station or, if not available, the upper air station. The sounding used is the 0:00 UTC sounding from the same day. For example, the sounding dated 0:00 (UTC) June 1 is used throughout June 1 (UTC). This is as recommended by the AERMET/AERMOD instructions.


1. Erection of Waste Treatment Facility -- Sinfin Lane Derby -- Appendix 7: Air Quality Technical Appendix Update. RPS Ltd. April 2012. (Part 1 of appendix.)

2. Development of Waste Treatment Facility -- Sinfin Lane Derby -- Enviromental Statement Update April 2012 -- Chapter 7: Air Quality and Human Health Assessment Update. RPS Ltd. April 2012. (Part 2 of chapter.)

3. Development of Waste Treatment Facility -- Sinfin Lane Derby -- Enviromental Statement Update April 2012 -- Chapter 7: Air Quality and Human Health Assessment Update. RPS Ltd. April 2012. (Part 3 of chapter.)

4. Sinfin Lane Waste Treatment Facility, Derby -- Permit number EAEPRWP3133KP. Environment Agency, November 2010.