Details of WTE Araucanía Plume Plotter

This page should be read in conjunction with How Plume Plotter Works. It provides more details specific to the WTE Araucanía version of Plume Plotter.

Stacks and buildings

Building measurements are taken from a plan (p40) and a drawing (p4) that appear in [1].

The image below shows the layout of the stack and building modelled. North is at the top; colours and numbers indicate the height of the buildings and the stack:

Stack measurements

These are taken from [1] and [2]:

The following values are used for albedo, Bowen ratio and roughness length. These are as specified in [3], except that we use the same values for all wind directions:


The emission rates of pollutants are taken from [4]:

PollutantEmission rate
per second
Óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx)8.207 g
Dióxido de azufre (SO2)2.05 g
Monóxido de carbono (CO)2.05 g
Material particulado (MP)410 mg
Carbono orgánico total (COT)410 mg
Ácido clorhídrico (HCl)410 mg
Ácido fluorhídrico (HF)41 mg
Cadmio (Cd)2 mg
Mercurio (Hg)2 mg
Otros metales20 mg
Dioxinas y furanos4.1 ng

Background levels

The background levels of pollutants are taken from [5]:

concentration per m3
Óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx)13.21 μg
Dióxido de azufre (SO2)2.24 μg
Monóxido de carbono (CO)1.578 mg
Material particulado (MP)30.21 μg
Carbono orgánico total (COT)N/A
Ácido clorhídrico (HCl)N/A
Ácido fluorhídrico (HF)N/A
Cadmio (Cd)N/A
Mercurio (Hg)N/A
Otros metalesN/A
Dioxinas y furanosN/A

Weather data

Weather data is taken from METAR reports from a local airport: La Araucanía.

Upper air data is the latest reported by the Puerto Montt upper air station.


1. Estudio de Impacto Ambiental: Planta WTE Araucanía -- Adenda, BioAqua. August 2019.

2. Adenda EIA -- Planta WTE Araucanía -- Partes, acciones y obras físicas, BioAqua. August 2019.

3. Modelación de la Dispersión de Emisiones de Material Particulado y Gases de Combustión para "Proyecto Planta WTE Araucanía", Nakadis. August 2019.

4. Adenda EIA -- Planta WTE Araucanía -- Emisiones gaseosas y material particulado fase de operación, BioAqua. August 2019.

5. Adenda EIA -- Planta WTE Araucanía -- Complemento Línea de Base medio físico-Atmosfera Calidad del aire, BioAqua. August 2019.